Play & Prosume

Interaktive Medienausstellung in der Kunsthalle Wien
08/2012 - 03/2013
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Für die Kunsthalle Wien Karlspatz wurde ein spielerisches Format entwickelt, das es den
Besucherinnen und Besucher erlaubt, hinter die gezeigten medialen Bilder zu blicken und den
erstaunlichen Beziehungen zwischen Avantgarde und Kommerz, zwischen Technologie und
Überredung aktiv nachzugehen. Die Besucher werden zu „Prosumers”, sie konsumieren und
produzieren zugleich.
Die Ausstellung zeigt Werbung in Film und Fernsehen und sie präsentiert Experimental- und
Industriefilme sowie Sammelkarten, welche die radikalen technologischen Veränderungen in
der Geschichte audio-visueller Medien und ihrer kommerziellen Nutzung reflektieren.

Projektpartner: Rita Pirpamer
Kuratorinnen: Brigitte Felderer, Margarete Jahrmann
Filmische Gestaltung: Johann Lurf
Gestaltung der Codes: Max Moswitzer
Programmierung: Fares Kayali, Josef Ortner


English Summary


The exhibition adopts an experimental approach in which the exhibition space will be intertwined with the reality of the visitors in order to explore how traffic between cultural forms in Europe, such as industrial film and new media arts on the one hand, and commercial exploitation of audio-visual media on the other hand, is radically transformed at key moments of technological change. It is intended to reveal that audio-visual media linked to consumption such as advertising are indebted to the artistic use of cinematographic form and audio-visual technologies in a three-way dialogue between creatives, industry and users. Exhibits include examples of early advertising in film and television, experimental film, trade cards, industrial films as well as contemporary video games. This exhibition represents the major output of the HERA funded research project “Technology Exchange and Flow: Artistic Media Practices and Commercial Application”. This high concept exhibition has been curated by Margarete Jahrmann and Brigitte Felderer as an apparatus for dynamic public-facing interactions at the Kunsthalle Projectspace Vienna and associated presentations in the Filmmuseum Vienna. It brings together the key research findings of the project research teams at Plymouth University, VU University Amsterdam and the University of Applied Arts Vienna together with contributions from the EYE Film Institute, Amsterdam and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum.